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Global Forum Rules

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Staff member
Management Team
Nov 12, 2020
Reaction score
RetroRools.XYZ Global Forum Rules

These rules must be followed at all times, and are subject to every forum on retrotools.xyz

Account Sharing

Please refrain from sharing your account with other individuals. We want all accounts to be secure, and not subject to other's trust, etc.


Please refrain from advertising on our forums. This type of behavior will not be tolerated, and it may result in a permanent ban.

Avoiding Bans/Multiple Accounts

Please refrain from making and/or using multiple accounts. When making multiple accounts not only are you taking usernames from future members, but you are also making user moderation more difficult. This means that if you are banned or not, you are NOT allowed to have/use more than one account per person.

Bumping Threads

Please refrain from bumping threads. This means that you can not go in your own thread and post "bump", etc. This rule also means that you can not post in threads that are older than three weeks old (based on the last post in that specific thread), as there is no need for old content popping up at the top of the forum.

Clear Title

Please refrain from making vague thread titles. When making a thread, please make sure that the thread title is clear. If you make a thread without the title being clear, it may be misleading to other members, etc.

Double Posting

Please refrain from double posting in threads. These means do not create a new post after your own post. In situations like this, you must edit your previous post to add additional content, etc.

English Only

Please refrain from posting in any other language than English. For one reason this would make it hard for staff to their job, but it also creates confusion for other members.


Please refrain from discussing anything that relates to hacking and/or cracking.

Harmful/Adult/Disturbing Content

It is not allowed to post and/or use (e.g. signatures, profile pictures) harmful content on the forums. This includes, but is not limited to, links/imagery/texts regarding self-harm, nudes, graphic real-life violence, and dark web activities. If you are unsure if you can post/use something, please contact the relevant Section (Senior) Moderator or a Super Moderator.

Insulting Members

Please refrain from insulting other members. When you insult other members, nothing good comes out of it. It just results in anger, and possibly hurt feelings on the other individual. This also means that you should not spark arguments, etc.

Off Topic Post(s)/Spamming

Please refrain from posting off-topic from the original post as it not only results in spam, but it can also cause other members to go off-topic as well.

Personal Information

Please refrain from sharing other members' personal information without their consent. For example, you are not allowed to share someone's address, phone number, personal Facebook, etc. without their permission.

Showing Authority

Please refrain from showing authority in threads. Not only does this not help the situation, but you are also going off-topic as well. Instead, please report the post/thread so that a moderator can take care of the issue.

Wrong Section

Please refrain from posting in the wrong section as it creates unwanted spam. It also gets nothing done as people who are viewing this section is here for the content that you have posted.

These rules are subject to change at any time.

Last updated on 11-14-2020.
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